Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why Failed Ideas(z)?

In life, we learn (mostly) from our mistakes, not our successes.  I think that from just about anyone who studies the learning process, you would hear that conclusion, and any student of life would agree with me.  I'm sure there is a long discussion of positive reinforcement vs. negative reinforcement in there, but I'm not going to dive deeper into it.
In the vein of that statement, I am beginning this blog as the start to potentially something bigger - the study of failures.  When all is said and done, I hope to weave together Web 2.0, some failed concepts (or just bygone concepts) from the Web, and create a monolithic site devoted to the study of failure.  Some ideas or concepts are to take the social aspect of discussion (ala Fark, Reddit, Digg), blend it with the macabre of watching train wrecks, car accidents and abject failure (, mingle in some e-learning, and bake it at 350 to see what happens.
I'm not altogether altruistic about this either.  Besides what we have to learn from each other's failures, there's potentially a lot of money to be made with a successful idea, of which I hope this to one day be.

To start off, I'm going to start with this blog, where I'll gather my thoughts, ideas and suggestions, hopefully interest some others who want to turn it into something real, and kick off a site development project.

Wish me luck

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